The township has a vacancy for supervisor.  If interested, please fill out the letter of interest at this link: 

Per Minnesota Statute 366.01, subdivision 1, supervisors “have charge of all town affairs not committed to other officers by law.” Supervisors made decisions regarding road maintenance, contracts (road maintenance, aquatic invasive species, etc.), finances (budget, levies, investments, and expenditures), and adoption/enforcement of ordinances and resolutions (land use, roads, elections, etc.). Regular duties include, but are not limited to, one regular monthly board meeting, monthly and annual road review, annual budget and audit meetings, annual local board of appeals and equalization meeting, investigating/answering property owner issues, and overseeing various projects (durablend application, road repair, weed spraying, beaver control, etc.). 

For questions, please contact:

Kim Olson: 907-382-0473 or [email protected]

Milica Stanfel: 218-536-1474 or [email protected]